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    The location was developed by the Fukien people towards the end of the Kangsi Period. When the land was originally full of forests, it was called the Gan Zhen-lin St. In Year 58 of the Kangsi Period (1719), Gan Zhen-lin St. was the original name of Gangshan District. It was later renamed as Agongdian, because an old man set up a thatched hut selling food to travelers; the Fukien name for grandfather is “Agong”, therefore the store was called “Agongdian”. Not long after, Agongdian became a local name. In Year 29 of Cianlong Period (1764), records of Agongdian St. appeared in the Taiwan Gazette (revision). In 1920, in resonance with Dagangshan and Siaogangshan, Agongdian was renamed as Gangshan. In 1945, it was changed again to Gangshan Town and the Gangshan Town Office was established, while the office was relocated to the current address. In 2010, Gangshan Town was changed to Gangshan District after the consolidation between counties/cities.
